June 1, 2009

American Food Not Bombs Gathering: August 7-9 In Omaha, NE, USA

"Greetings from the heartland of the Empire,

While the media is still fetishizing the global economic crisis, the basic relationship between humans, the earth, and capital has remained unchanged. People are still earning, saving and spending money, the earth is still being raped and pillaged so that humans can live an unsustainable lifestyle, and the government is continuing to corral, subjugate and oppress all of us

Food Not Bombs is a group that consistently challenges these fundamental problems by practicing mutual aid in local communities every single day of the week. Omaha’s FNB has been active for the last 13 years and serves free meals every Saturday and Sunday in the Gene Leahy Mall. In those 13 years we've seen our fair-share of police harassment, member burn out, and burnt rice. A few of us ventured down to the gathering last year in Nashville and found it to be a very empowering experience and we hope to create a similar atmosphere this year in Omaha.

Since Food Not Bombs is a collective of autonomous and independent groups decisions made at the gathering will be decided by consensus. If there is a workshop you would like to put on, or an skill share you would like to lead let us know by emailing omahafnbs@gmail.com.

A few questions that we would like to talk about during the gathering are...

How can FNB's strengthen and expand its presence in local communities?
What are good strategies people have found in reaching out to communities most affected by the "economic crisis"?
How can local Food Not Bombs groups support each other?
How can we be everywhere all the time?

We would like to invite any and all Food Not Bombs group to come participate in the skill-shares, dance parties, bike rides, discussions, and presentations that will be happening all weekend. There will be plenty of food, space for people to crash, and fun! For questions about housing, setting up your own skill shares or workshops, or anything else please feel free to contact us at omahafnbs@gmail.com.

Hearts &Fists

Omaha Food Not Bombs"


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