A Really Really Free Market is like a potluck for whatever you want to give or take away. Have you ever brought one dish to a potluck and gone away with a full belly and a balanced meal? Everybody brings something and goes away with more.
We all have skills, ideas, objects, smiles, talents, friendship, excitement, discussions, and many other things to share. If we bring them all together at the Really Really Free Market, we can provide more balanced and full lives for everyone.
As a community we have many more resources than we do as individuals. If we share our resources we won't need to buy as many new ones. This uses fewer of the Earth's resources, and fewer of our working hours, leaving us more time to devote to ourselves and our communities.
Would we all work forty hours a week at one job if we didn't feel we had to? What if instead we worked at improving our individual skills and talents and shared them with each other? We would all spend more time doing things we enjoyed.
The Really Really Free Market is an attempt to put these ideas into practice...
If you're on this website I assume you can realize the importance of events like the Really Really Free Market. If we ever want to build this better world, we need to criticize the status quo and build functioning alternatives to it as well. As radicals, anarchists, autonomists and concerned human beings, this is our opportunity to do that. It is our opportunity to step outside the isolation of our "subculture" and build meaningful connections with our neighbors and the community. Hopefully this is the first of many free markets in Philadelphia. The better this one is, the easier it will be to do in the future, and the easier it will be to grow this into something more. Let's start things off right.
With love,a neighborhood anarchist"
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