March 9, 2009

UCLA Vivisector's Vehicle Burned

"On Friday night March sixth we burned a vehicle at the home of David Jentsch xxxx Beverly Glen Boulevard in Los Angeles. Jentsch is a peice of human shit who addicts monkeys to methamphetamines and other street drugs at the University of California at Los Angeles.

He associates with other peices of human shit like Edythe London who is addicting and experimenting on monkeys. The things you and others like you do to feeling sentient monkeys is so cruel and disgusting we can't believe anyone would be able to live with themselves.

David, here's a message just for you, we will come for you when you least expect it and do a lot more damanage than to your property. Where ever you go and what ever you do we'll be watching you as long as you continue to do your disgusting experiments on monkeys.

And a special message for the FBI, the more legit activists you fuck with the more it inspires us since wer're the people whom you least suspect and when we hit we hit hard.

Animal Liberation Brigade"

ORIGINAL SOURCE: Animal Liberation Press Office


meh said...

You people are sick. If you have ever taken an antibiotic or any other medication, then you have benefited from animal research. David Jentsch does not torture animals. He is a kind and humane person, unlike you people/

Anonymous said...

This incident is just really terrible and makes me very sad. I hope that some day we progress to the point that we can express our differences in a mutually respectful, honorable way. The actions against Prof. Jentsch are far from that - they are shameful and do nothing to promote the cause of animal activism. As an animal lover and advocate I can say without hesitation that animal research is of the utmost value and in every circumstance I am aware of done in the most humane way possible. I also know that Dr. Jentsch's work is done with absolute respect for the animals he works with and that he does everything he can to minimize their suffering. We humans cause ourselves so much pain, yet all such researchers want to do is find ways to alleviate that pain. When will good-intentioned but incredibly uninformed people realize that this kind of violence never solves anything? When will you realize that the only way to foster love and respect is to show love and respect to every other living thing you come in contact with? When will true animal lovers stop bending to the maniacal preachings of folks bent on terror and destruction - with no love in there hearts at all?

Tetra said...

Since you are both so fond of Jentsch's "research," why don't you volunteer to have him perform his tests on you instead of on these monkeys?

That way, no monkeys are being imprisoned or tortured against their will, and Jenstch will have a willing research subject, thus removing any ethical issues. Sound fair?

meh said...

Unfortunately, the questions David addresses could not be answered in a human model. Plus, I am already passed the age of onset for schizophrenia, so it's basically a moot point. Nevertheless, I don't mind you opposing animal research, but if you respect animal life than you should respect all life and express your feelings in a humane manner. I also think the much of the information that is disseminated about animal research is grossly inaccurate. David does not torture animals. It is incredibly difficult to use non-human primates in research and very few animals are used. Plus, there are very rigid requirements for living conditions for all animals used in science (unlike in the food industry which accounts for over 90% of animals killed). I just think that the idea of a sadistic scientist getting pleasure from harming a living thing is completely false. Again, whether you agree with it or not, it still is not okay to threaten someone into submission because you have a differing viewpoint. You might as well threaten every meat eater while you're at it. I also would like to note that I've been a vegetarian for 20 years, so I don't take these issues lightly and I personally do not conduct animal research.

meh said...

Also, the majority of his tests involve working memory tasks, so I would be more than happy to let him experiment on me. I've actually been a participant in many similar experiments. Plus, there are human studies where drugs of addiction are given to humans. For example, schizophrenic patients and many other human subjects have been given meth in multiple PET studies to study dopamine transmission, but you can't study cellular interactions in a human model. Imaging gives you much grosser idea of what is happening in the brain.

Tetra said...

"David does not torture animals."

If someone kidnapping you, imprisoning you, and forcing you to become addicted to methamphetamine doesn't constitute "torture" in your eyes, what does?

Tetra said...

Oops, forgot to address this one:
"if you respect animal life than you should respect all life and express your feelings in a humane manner"

"Respecting" animal life does not mean standing idly by while it is destroyed.

meh said...

I wouldn't ask you to stand idly by. Express your viewpoints in a non-violent way. Do not endorse public threats to another living being. If you believe in respecting life, then you will express your point of view in a manner that respects life. Run for office, write to your senator, protest, form a lobbying organization to change laws, but don't endorse harm to other living beings. That makes you no better than the people you are against. I also think you should stop taking any medications, because the preponderance of meds have been the product of animal research, which would make you just as selfish as us by benefiting from what you believe is inhumane.

Tetra said...

"Express your viewpoints in a non-violent way. "

The people who did this action were not "expressing a viewpoint," they were taking direct action in defense of animal life. Two totally different things.

"If you believe in respecting life, then you will express your point of view in a manner that respects life."

What does this even mean? Again, they weren't expressing a viewpoint, they were taking action in defense of life. If you "respect" life, then you will step up to the plate to defend it. And no, that doesn't necessarily imply pacifism.

"Run for office, write to your senator, protest, form a lobbying organization to change laws,"

Do you understand what website you are posting on?
I'll put this gently: Law is a part of the problem.

meh said...

If law is part of the problem, then do something to change it. You are no better than animal researchers if you resort to violence, period. You are a terrorist. There are other ways to step up to the plate besides terrorizing people. I know exactly what website I am posting on and I encourage you and others like you to think of more constructive ways to defend life. Just a thought, maybe start with the food industry, which REALLY tortures animals and is involved in more than 90% of animal deaths. You have to understand, I am a researcher, but I only research on humans and I'm a longstanding vegetarian. I couldn't personally conduct animal research, but I do not believe that violent tactics really move your point of view forward in a meaningful way.

Tetra said...

"You are no better than animal researchers if you resort to violence,"

These people didn't resort to violence, they committed property destruction. No human or animal was hurt in the action, which is more than we can say for this vivisector's research.

You seem more concerned about the fate of the vivisector's pollution-mobile than the fate of the monkeys he's imprisoned and addicted to drugs.

meh said...

Burning someone's car is a violent act. It is a threat. Plus, this is what you posted from the ALF:

"David, here's a message just for you, we will come for you when you least expect it and do a lot more damanage than to your property."

That is a a violent threat and I do not think that violence is an appropriate manner to communicate. If someone put a burning cross outside a gay man's house, I also would view that as a violent threat, but in the case with David, the threat was quite overt. And yes, that concerns me.

Tetra said...

"Burning someone's car is a violent act."

Property isn't people. It isn't animals. It has no intellect, feelings, dreams, or aspirations. You are condemning the burning of a lifeless pollution-mobile as "violence," while simultaneously insisting that someone who imprisons and tortures animals is a good person who "isn't torturing" animals? Give your head a shake.

"That is a a violent threat and I do not think that violence is an appropriate manner to communicate."

If violence isn't an "appropriate manner to communicate," then I assume you also mean what this vivisector does is not appropriate, and therefore should be subject to appropriate action to end it. Like, say, what these people did to his pollution-mobile?

What would you do if somebody down the street from you was imprisoning children and forcing them to become addicted to methamphetamine? Write them a polite letter knowing that it would achieve nothing, or take direct action to defend life?